Advertising Chair Tiantian Liang, NCTM
MusiGRAM Editor Emily Ruben
Conference Book Editor TBD TBD
Webmaster Susan Traylor

Advertising Opportunities

ASMTA Advertising Application 2024-2025 

When you choose to advertise with ASMTA, you will have options to post an ad in our MusiGram newsletter, our annual conference booklet, and/or our website (with a link to your website), (see ASMTA Advertising Application above).  Our printed publications have an annual circulation of 2500.

Three Newsletters Per Year

The official publication of ASMTA is the MusiGRAM newsletter.  Each newsletter features event calendars from all six local associations, instructive articles, and information from the ASMTA Board of Directors, Committee Chairs and Administrative Appointees on a variety of topics.

Each newsletter is emailed to all ASMTA members across the state, and posted on our website. Circulation is 500 per issue to music teachers and educators.

Annual State Conference Booklet

Our high-quality conference booklet is printed in conjunction with our annual state conference.  Presenters, vendors and performers from around the country attend the conference, in addition to ASMTA members.

The conference booklet is approximately 60 pages. Profiling honored teachers and the ASMTA Honors Recital Contest, this keepsake-quality booklet features guest artist and presenter bios, and the complete conference schedule.

Link on Our Website

Your logo and website link will be included on the homepage of our website. Our teacher-members and their students use the website regularly to access information about programs, events, and related business services.

When your payment has been completed, please email your advertising copy (PDF, JPEG or TIFF) and website link to:
Tiantian Liang,